

Facreva la plus pulchra tempestas von der welt

05. 09. - 08. 09. 2021

We never quite remember: Is the calm before or after the storm?
Sometimes the quiet comes first, other times it follows it.
Far from accuracy and meteorological forecast, after all this calmness is nothing but a verbal expression thus varying with latitudes and languages.
The question is: are we in the storm?

What if the tempest is not only metaphorical and it is instead the physical antidote to these troubled years?
Can we desynchronize ourselves like the calmness from its storm?
We were told in case of traumas, the local aborigenous community of Regrubzlas live quite detached and find its calmness in Opera history and its beloved messiah.

They say that in tumultuous times, the glorious Mozart knew what to do. He liked to read tarot cards. As a good freemason he was fascinated by divination, so charmed that he even dedicated to tarots a work of initiatory character, Die Zauberflöte.
By the end of 1780’s summer he described a stroll through Salzburg during a rainy day writing with the archetypal language of the Regrubzlas, a broken jargon of his invention, consisting in a sophisticated linguistic game merging German, Latin, French, and Italian.

“Wir habemus joués colle carte di Tarock.
à sept heur siamo andati spatzieren in den horto aulico.
faceva la plus pulchra tempestas von der welt.”

Clouds are nice.
We wish to be just as inspired by them as he was.
Unfortunately, we aren’t really looking up any longer.
How does Mozart’s message resonate with our difficulties to operate these days?
Could there be any relationship between this and the lack of desire, aspiration, and motivation of the last months?
The apathy, the comfortably senseless calm we were or we self-sedated, with no appetite nor dream in a perpetuated awaiting or recovering from a never ending storm.
We would prefer instead to desire again.
Specifically, to desire being desiring.
Like we used to.
To keep our heads in the clouds.
In any possible way.

You may take it metaphorically.
You may simply take an airplane.
you may perform alternatives.
you may substitute clouds.
you may be God.
you may reinvent the concept of clouds.

Or else,
you may just join us walk with our head up and overlap the metaphorical with the physical.

Moreover, if those criticized for being absent, dazed and distracted are said to have heads in the clouds, we would like to follow as well.
Meanwhile with or without a storm we are constantly, directed downwards, aimed at the roads, focused on screens, the plates, the place, the plans, and the play out of attention.

Head in the clouds to return to daydreaming.
Head in the clouds to be selectively distracted
Head in the clouds for nonscientific nor esoteric divination.
Head in the cloud to practice conscious mistakes.
Head in the cloud to follow the storm.

By Tuna-Locci

Ein auf Spaziergängen basierender Prozess, in welchem die Gehenden und die überquerten Plätze die Form der Wolken definieren und neu bestimmen: nach oben schauen als immersive Erkundung, offen für Publikum, Passant*innen und jegliche Form von Störung.

Mittwoch, 08.09.2021, 18:30h
Upward public walk. Partizipative Performance im öffentlichen Raum von Tuna-Locci.
Startpunkt: Fünfzigzwanzig

max. Teilnehmer*innenzahl 15 Personen.
Wir ersuchen um Anmeldung unter kontakt@5020.info

Sonntag – Mittwoch, 05.09. – 08.09.2021
9 Uhr, Mirabellgarten: Morning visual Exercises
11 Uhr, unterschiedliche Startpunkte: City Strolls
16 Uhr (nur Sonntag und Dienstag), Fünfzigzwanzig Im Ausstellungsraum

Tuna-Locci is a Turkish Italian art duo, composed of Matteo Locci and Başak Tuna, who teamed up in 2019. Matteo Locci is an architect and multimedia artist, co-founder of the Roman collective Ati suffix. Başak Tuna is a critical spatial practitioner graduated from Design Academy Eindhoven.